Scranton City Council Mtgs.
Tuesday evening at City Hall
Public Caucus 5:45pm
Council Regular Mtg 6:30pm
Mayor Cognetti Town Hall Weekly Virtual Town Halls
Friday 12PM. Facebook Live
Phone +16465588656;
Pin 82190982404
Lackawanna County Commissioners meetings Meet the first and third Wednesday at 10am at 123 Wyoming Ave.
Historical Architecture Review Board HARB meets Virtually on Zoom at 5:30pm on the second Thursday of each month
Mayor Cognetti Town Hall : Fridays 12:00 Noon
Scranton City Council: Tues. 5:45 PM LIVE / Wed. 10:00 AM / Thurs. 2:30 PM / Fri. 10:00 PM / Sat. 12:00 PM / Sun. 8:00 PM
HARB Meeting: Following City Council
Lackawanna County Commissioners: Following HARB